The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Summer Work Outfits

When it comes to sartorial expression, there’s nothing more freeing than being able to choose the clothes that suit your style and personality. Yet, there’s something strangely comforting about working within the confines of a uniform. It’s why one particular New York City exec willingly chose to wear the same outfit every day for three years—a uniform exempts you from the stress and anxiety over piecing together an office-friendly outfit. Is it too formal? Too casual? Is the hemline too short? Wardrobe worries, begone!

But there’s a way to achieve uniform dressing without actually having to buy pieces in bulk and wearing the same ensemble every day. We formulated seven no-brainer work outfit equations that not only make getting ready in the mornings a cinch, but they also exude that effortless-chic aesthetic we all hope to achieve. What’s more, these (genius) sartorial formulas rely on basics—as in, staples that most likely already exist in your closet.


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