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A Sudden Infection Detected In Contact Lenses Wearers That Causes Blindness

A Sudden Infection Detected In Contact Lenses Wearers That Causes Blindness

It is for all the contact lens wearers that they look after their eyes as a sudden infection causes in the eyes which makes you blind. There are a lot of cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis rise in the Moorfields eye hospital in London for the past 7 years and the counting goes increasing day by day. this infection is mainly caused in the cornea section of the eye which leads to pain and inflames and in short, there is a great risk of wearing contact lens.

In the years between 2000 and 2003, eight to ten patients of this disease found in the hospital per year said “British Journal of Ophthalmology”.

This disease can severely affect the patients a lot as they lost 25 percent of their eye vision or blind forever.

At the last, use contact lens with the doctor prescription as they are medical devices and should be used with great care.

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